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On Page Optimization

SEO has traditionally divided into two main areas; on-page optimisation which covers what can be done on the pages of the website itself, and off-page optimisation which covers activity that takes place elsewhere
The most effective strategy in 2012 however (social media powered SEO) requires an integrated approach, with on-page content promoted off-page within the main social media channels. Please click on the following link to find out more about social media SEO - the future proofed SEO strategy that delivers outstanding results now. Alternatively, click here to understand more about how off-page SEO has had to adapt to changes in the search engines’ algorithms to remain effective in 2012.

On Page Optimization Is On Page Optimization in simple terms is basically the effort which you put on the website and is clearly visible, like:

  • Initial Site Analysis
  • Unlimited Bandwidth (Data Competition Analysis
  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Density Analysis and Placement
  • Invisible Text
  • Cloaking
  • Creation of XML / HTML / ROR / Text Sitemaps
  • Title/Description/Keywords & Various Other Meta Tags Development
  • Site (URL) Structure Analysis
  • Web Designing Basics and WYSIWYG Editors
  • URL renaming/re-writing
  • Submitting sites to Google and Yahoo Webmas
  • Canonical / 404 Implementation
  • Google Sitemap Creation
  • Content Development Check s
  • Brief Keyword Competition Review
  • H1, H2, H3 Tags
  • Anchor Text
  • Yahoo Sitemap Creation
  • Competitor Analysis & Monitoring
  • Google Webmaster Account Setup and management
  • Existing Web Content Optimization
  • Image Optimization
  • Use of robots.txt
  • HTML Validation
  • Google Analytics (Statistics) setup and management
  • Creating of Favicons

    leading Page Optimization tips & techniques

    Your Web site's landing page is the biggest factor readers and visitors use to size up and form an impression about your business. It's really what determines their first impression. We all know that the daily pace of Internet commerce dictates that you're unlikely to have another chance with as much potential to persuade your audience to try your products or services. The first time they arrive at your landing page really matters; make it count! Someone gets to a landing page by clicking on an ad, and that's why this page weighs so much -- it's what's joining a person's interest in buying with the product or service you're offering. A great landing page's influence is strongly felt in the following areas:

    1. Driving force of conversions

    A landing page that's optimally created will have comprehensive information about your product and coax visitors into making a positive decision about purchasing what you offer.

    2. Positive first impressions

    Landing pages that are compelling, lucid, and straightforward are the best positioned to turn a Web visitor into an online purchaser. Getting visitors to like your business and products enough to part with their cash starts with a good-looking landing page; one that is informative, understandable, and true.

    3. Better sales muscling

    Landing pages have a direct impact on your sales. Use them to express, and transmit, your brand's identity and appeal. Remember that the landing page constitutes the link between your advertisements and your Web site.

    4. Tracking

    With a conversion tracking code installed in your landing page, it's possible to extract improved data about conversion rates. This information proves pivotal when weighing decisions about future marketing campaigns. It's data that can make your decisions more efficient and cost-effective. Both Google and Bing provide conversion tracking codes that you can install. Once these are in place, it will be possible to track the specific keywords your leads or sales are coming from.

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